Bringing faith to life. That’s my passion. The things of God are amazing and incredible. But sometimes they seem out of reach or like they don’t apply to our lives. My hope is to make the Word of God real and help people to see that the things of faith apply to our everyday life. Through this Word, God transforms us, bringing a new life, passion and wonder to our faith.
It amazes me how God continues to work that in my own faith and life. My life is blessed beyond imagination with my supporting wife, Carie, and two amazing daughters, Ellie and Emma. My faith has been enriched not only through my formal education but just as much through the world life experience I received in serving congregations in Minnesota and California. Now God has plopped this California kid in the middle of the country. Through it all God continues to bring my faith to life. What an adventure!
I look forward to sharing this adventure with everyone at the Lutheran Church of St. John and inviting the community of Quincy to join us as God continues His work in us of bringing faith to life.
Pastor Steve Office: 217.222.8579 E-mail: